The William Morris Craft Fellowship is an advanced training scheme for qualified and experienced craftsmen and women from any trade employed in the repair of historic buildings.
It is designed to expand the fellow’s knowledge of building materials and crafts and how they relate to the repair or conservation of historic buildings.

The Programme
The programme runs from mid March to Nov/Dec. The course is divided into three blocks of two months which are spread over the year. At the end of each block the fellow returns to their place of employment or if self employed back to work.
The first two blocks consist of widespread travel, meeting other craftsmen and professionals on site, visiting a wide range of historic buildings sites, conservation workshops and studios. When on site they are able to see at first hand, and discuss, traditional building construction, the decay and repair of materials and the range of Techniques available.

The last two months will be spent on sites chosen with the fellows’ own needs and interests in mind. This should provide an opportunity for the fellows to deepen their understanding of their own trade while broadening their experience. They can revisit sites from the first and second blocks and work along side master craftsmen and professionals either within their own trade or having a chance to try another craft.